From principle to practice, with Little Green Light

I want to highlight something particularly cool that’s happening right now with one of my books.

More than twelve years ago, I sat down to write what became The Little Book of Gold: Fundraising for Small and Very Small Nonprofits. I wanted to write a book for the people who are just starting out in nonprofits. Who follow their passion into nonprofit work and then have to figure out fundraising. Not an encylopedia of fundraising techniques, but a roadmap for the busy Executive Director on the go.

Over the years, it’s helped thousands of nonprofits and has been sold as a paperback, an ebook, and an audiobook. It’s been translated in Arabic (long story). called it a “Must-Read Book For Nonprofit Employees.” And, just this year, LinkedIn for Nonprofits listed it as one of “9 books for your nonprofit reading list.”

If you’d told me all this in 2009, I’m not sure I would have believed you.

And yet, something even cooler happened recently. Little Green Light, which makes donor database software, reached out to me with an idea: what if they gave the book to their customers. I was flattered and honored. We’ve worked it out and for the rest of the year, nonprofits using Little Green Light will be able to download the book for free.

But LGL went even further. They wrote a companion piece for the book that takes the principles of each main section and walks people through the steps to implement it in their donor databases. This is huge! And it’s such an important part of the work. I wrote the book at a high level, knowing that it would be up to the EDs and small nonprofit board leaders to implement within their systems.

LGL’s approach allows the principles in the book to be translated into practice. It makes for an incredibly powerful combination. Learn from the book; then implement with Little Green Light.

As it happens, years before this partnership, I had a chance to work with a Little Green Light database when I was consulting with a client, and I came away impressed with their functionality and the support. It’s a quality I’m continuing to see today as I work with their team.

You can learn more about The Little Book of Gold and Little Green Light on their blog post announcement to customers.

(And, yes, how great that we are both “Little!”)

Thanks to everyone at LGL for helping to get this book into the hands of so many nonprofits.


Erik is an absolute joy to work with. He took the time to understand our organization and board dynamics weeks before the retreat and gave everyone the opportunity to voice their thoughts on retreat priorities and objectives. He even made time to talk to any staff or board member one-on-one, anonymously, to be sure that any behind-the-scenes concerns would be addressed. At the retreat itself, he was an excellent facilitator that helped us to lead ourselves through our visioning and next-step process. His recommendations came from deep experience and helped us to streamline and reimagine how we operate both logistically and in service of our mission. I can’t recommend him enough.

~ Asa Dean

Friends of the Forest

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