Joe Lawless – How can leaders be more socially responsible? – Episode 014

“In order to be socially responsible, you have to be a good leader. And in order to be a good leader, you have to be socially responsible,” says Joe Lawless at the Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility. How can businesses be better at being socially responsible in their community? And how can nonprofits better tap those skills and expertise? In this interview we cover the importance of social responsibility in business leadership, creating better board members, and how to get your board participating in fundraising.

About Joe

Joe Lawless brings over 20 years of experience in leading nonprofit and philanthropic efforts to his work as Executive Director of the Center for Leadership & Social Responsibility (CLSR). In addition to serving as Executive Director of the Mary Bridge Children’s Foundation and Director of Corporate Partnerships for Tacoma Goodwill, he has served on the boards of numerous community organizations. Joe brings this experience, along with his focus on corporate citizenship and CSR in the Milgard MBA to his work on developing the programs of CLSR.


Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility
American Leadership Forum
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The Little Book of Nonprofit Leadership is a small book with big takeaways for nonprofit professionals. For anyone who has had to find time to check the mail and order office supplies in the midst of reporting to the board and developing a fundraising plan, this book will resonate with you and offer practical tips that you can put into action.

~ Virginia Davidson

Little Green Light (donor management system)

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