Babita Patel – Advancing Gender Equality Through the Arts – Episode 005

Today’s guest is Babita Patel, founder and executive director of the KIOO Project.

As a Humanitarian Photographer working with nonprofits, NGOs & social enterprises, Babita has documented the lack of access to clean drinking water in the slums of Haiti, photographed men in maximum-security prisons who found redemption through education & followed a ballet dancer-turned-US Marine around for the day. She founded KIOO Project with the belief that gaining self-confidence through the arts can change the trajectory of a child’s life.


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I was just voted in as president of the board and I feel completely out of my depth. I was sooooo grateful to have found you. I ordered all your books! In the words of a teacher, “You put the cookies on the lower shelf” so it is understandable. Your classes so far have been excellent. Thank you.

~ Jackie Roberts

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