The Lowdown on Running Auctions – Episode 004

Today’s guest is Lynn Miller, who has more than two decades of auction experience, including managing 11 auctions for Bellarmine Preparatory School. In her time running the Bellarmine PRIDE auction, she’s increased the revenue from the one-night event from the $200,000s to $670,000 at the most recent auction.

Leaders of nonprofits will find helpful ideas in this episode to increase the revenue at their own auction (if they have one), but I hope this interview with Lynn also gives a sense of the sheer amount of resources that large institutions like schools and hospitals use for these huge auctions.



I read The Little Book of Gold and thought it was so awesome, I’m having the rest of my non-profit’s board read it. I feel like reading this has saved me time in not pursuing stuff you think of as non-profit money making. The book is short and concise and worth the read.

~ Michaela Eaves

Board Member, Washington State Animal Response Team

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